Nagravox is a boutique electronics business specialising in vintage audio. We are devoted to providing the highest quality electronic parts, repair kits, mechanical components, tools and calibration testing gear for your treasured Revox, Studer and Nagra tape machines.
Nagravox was founded in 2010 by Peter Mony in response to the lack of professional upgrade kits and parts for restoring his own vintage audio equipment. From it’s beginnings as a humble ebay store, Nagravox has expanded to a dedicated workshop on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia and is considered one of the premier online retailers in vintage audio.

Peter Mony
Dip (Electronics), BSc(hons), MBA
Peter is a man of many talents, diverse business acumen and eclectic interests. In his early years he worked as a senior research scientist in the diamond industry and then branched into his own geohydrology and geophysics consultancy. Upon moving to Australia in 2004 Peter became director of Powerform Controls, an electronics manufacturer involved in HVAC control and motor drives. He grew this small business into the specialist supplier for most air conditioning manufacturers and projects in electronic air control systems for large residential and commercial buildings in Australia.
Peter’s latest venture indulges his passion for vintage audio gear by helping fellow enthusiasts restore their machines and allows him to relive the 60s and 70s when as a youngster he worked as a recording studio technician and built valve amplifiers for his friends. In his spare time when he is not tinkering with tape machines he enjoys ocean swimming, restoring classic cars, playing in classical guitar ensembles and spending time with his family.