CAN electrolytic capacitors - individual for Studer & Revox
We have been asked (why - who knows people are all different) to supply individual power supply capacitors. We believe from a lot of practical experience that the absolute minimum in any Revox / Studer machine is the very basic Deluxe Motor Capacitor kit which includes all the motors capacitors as well as very important suppression capacitors. Of course the full recap kit is always best but some people like to try get away with the minimum. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. So here are individual can electrolytic capacitors for the ultimate minimalist.
All our can capacitors use high grade 5000h 105C new manufactured capacitors made especially for us which we then encapsulate into aluminium threaded stud cans.
We strictly insist on correct capacity and you will find that capacity is usually within 5% of value. The company we use in Taiwan are ‘old friends’ and we have been doing business since 2005. They understand us and my exacting requirements. and have made millions of capacitors for us and my previous company involved in motor speed drives.
Values. You will find some of our values are slightly higher in capacity and voltage. We do this strategically where we are able to. Slight extra capacity helps with power supply ripple and the higher voltage ensures a long safe life.