AKAI GX280/285 ELECTRONIC capacitor and trimmer kit
Capacitor & Preset Trimmer Upgrade / Overhaul Kit for AKAI GX280 and GX285 reel tape recorders
This kit contains parts for the power supply, tape control and transport functions as well as the audio cards:
Replacement capacitors for all the electrolytics including large PSU type
Replacement for all smaller electrolytic capacitors
Brand new dual capacitance specially custom manufactured non polarised motor capacitors
All troublesome paper capacitors on drive control, switching and mains suppression
Fully enclosed cermet type preset potentiometers to replace any old open type trimmers
This kit caters for the following circuits / boards.
Power Supply, Tape Transport Control, All motor chassis and clip mounted motor capacitors, Capstan Servo, Reproduce Amplifiers, Record Amplifiers, Oscillator
A limited set of Nagravox instructions to guide you (please note these are not as comprehensive as our Revox and Studer manuals which run into several hundred pages) They are a guide. A copy of the Akai factory service manuals are included in your download if you have not already got them.
TOTALS: Capacitors =127. Preset trimmers =25. Spare suppression RC resistors = 5.