CALIBRATION KIT - Leads, Cables and Adapters


$205.00 AUD

Customers have asked us to consider supplying them a kit of interconnecting cables and connectors / adapters so they can connect up their various bits of test equipment when calibrating a tape machine. 

This is particularly appropriate to the test equipment we now sell - signal generator and millivolt meters.

This kit of cables and adapters allows you to connect together for calibration and setup purposes:

  • Tape machine
  • Oscilloscope
  • Millivolt meter
  • Signal generator
  • Amplifier or monitor

It includes all the adapters and bits and pieces you are likely to need in a standard setup using  BNC connectors to all instrumentation.

Three different kits are offered.

  1.   RCA based for machines that use unbalanced RCA connectors
  2.   XLR based machines that use balanced XLR connectors
  3.   Universal kit for both RCA and XLR machines

They include  a set of dummy load resistors that you can make up load terminators.

  • 600 ohm for balanced XLR
  • 10K ohm for unbalanced RCA - semi conductor based machines
  • 150K ohm for unbalanced RCA - valve / tube based machines

Above average good quality cables and connectors have been chosen for this kit NOT cheapest available.

You get the following

  • 4x connector cables  RCA (or XLR) ( or in the case of the universal 8x). To go into and out of your machine to all the instruments. These have the relevant RCA and XLR connectors already integral on them
  • 4x BNC T adapters
  • 2x BNC connector cables fully made up
  • 4x BNC plugs to be fitted onto the ends of the connector cables
  • 2x BNC plugs for dummy load terminators
  • 6x dummy load resistors to make up appropriate dummy load terminators
  • 2x BNC - RCA adapters to interface into an amplifier or monitor if required
  • Of course a set of detailed instructions on use and make up

The kit assumes you will solder 4x BNC connector ends onto each of the connector cables as well as make up the dummy load terminators into 2x BNC connectors.  THIS IS NOT DIFFICULT TO DO.  We  offer the kit like this to cut down on unnecessary costs and besides, like broccoli, its good for you to do!  If you really want us to do it -  there is an option for this.  Please purchase / add to the shopping cart the kit you require and then add as a second item the "add option fully made up".  



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