UPDATE SUB KITS for Nagravox Electronic kits


$80.00 AUD

Bought a kit and then put it in a cupboard for a few years?  It happens!

Because we are constantly updating our service manuals we also update the parts in our kits usually every year or so.

We make up small sub kits of the updated parts and also give you access to the latest service manuals. This applies to full electronic and full monty kits not basic or deluxe motor cap kits. The sub kit updates appropriate capacitors, resistors, semiconductors and from 1 Jan 2025 audio and protection relays.

Our update kits are applicable to kits older than 2023. We always show a batch number in small print on our kits which is basically the run batch and year. eg 05/19 means batch 5 in 2019. 

PLEASE ADD A NOTE in your order giving us the kit batch no. so we can give you the most appropriate update customised for your situation..


  • Electronic kits are only for electronic recap / retrim kits NOT basic or deluxe motor kits
  • Updates for A80, A81, A/B62 models are for the electronic kits - PSU, transport control systems PLUS audio for 2 tracks
  • Updates for A80VU models are are for the electronic kits - PSU, transport control systems - ie all cards in the main chassis NOT the overhead separate audio modules (which may be from 2 - 24 channels).  For audio updates please contact us for a special kit based on tracks / channels


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