ELFL Illuminator panel for Revox B215S Studer A721 cassette tape recorders
Studer A721 and Revox B215S Cassette tape recorder EL / FL Electroluminescent display panel
Has your LCD faded or lost its colour? Now a replacement with the correct exact factory original specifications is available in green or blue. The EL display after many years and hours starts to dim as it nears the end of its life. It is a relatively easy process to replace although some tools and fiddling about are needed. Screwdrivers, nose pliers, soldering iron, desolder sucker or braid. Instruction sheet provided.
This is the correct size, edge display coverage and lead out as per Studer / Revox part number 1.721.256.01 and 1.721.256.81. Fits all Studer A721 and Revox B215S and some later B215 that have EL panel illumination for the LCD display. Specially made for Nagravox according to original specification.
NB Revox: Please make sure your model B215 takes an ELFL display panel. All B215S versions (black) take one and only a few later B215. You must please check. Earlier B215 take incandescent bulbs - which we also have in our globes section.